Brand Voice

Our Tone

Guttman Energy projects a tone that reflects an eagerness to serve, both our customers and each other. We always show respect through our communication. We are committed to collaboration and finding the best resolutions to issues and challenges.

We always use
Guttman Energy
in both language and text―never just Guttman.

We express our informed insights and opinions with confidence, always keeping the customer’s perspective in mind and working to address their important business goals. We remain eager to put our many resources to work in the most effective ways to meet and exceed our customers’ evolving needs, offering them frank ideas presented in the most clear and understandable ways possible.

Messaging Hierarchy


Guttman Energy


Fueling Intelligence

Descriptor Line

A leading industry expert in supplying customers with flexible, sustainable, tailored, and comprehensive energy solutions.

What Guttman Energy Does

Guttman Energy brings advanced market intelligence in commercial, wholesale, and retail fuel markets, backed by more than nine decades of business success, to help customers navigate fuel prices and supply volatility, ensuring they benefit from supply security, fair prices, and greater control over energy costs.


  • Simplified fuel buying that minimizes risk and allows for better control of the customer’s fuel budget
  •  Expert market analysis to guide customers toward the right fuel storage strategies to ensure a quality fuel supply
  •  Automated processes that allow the customer to check inventory online, replenishing inventory when prices are low, not when supply is critical 
  • A proprietary fleet fuel payment card for truck drivers, fleet managers and independent owner-operators to purchase gasoline and diesel fuel at authorized gas stations and convenience stores, permitting greater budgetary review and control 
  • A dedication to proactively reducing our environmental impact, while providing customers with the most sustainable products and effective environmental solutions available

Our Appeal to Customers

Guttman Energy removes the stress regarding all aspects of fuel procurement, shipment, billing, storage, and delivery for customers. As a recognized industry expert, Guttman Energy brings the insight to find solutions to each customer’s unique fueling needs and goals, as well as the foresight to anticipate changes in the market that could impact the customer’s fuel strategy. We take the guesswork, the paperwork, and the extra work out of the customer’s fuel-related operations, building trust and long-term loyalty in the process.

Boilerplate Description

Based in Western Pennsylvania, Guttman Energy is a full-service fuel distribution Company with more than 90 years of knowledge and expertise. Guttman Energy provides fuel solutions, procurement, applied market intelligence, and logistical programs to a wide variety of commercial, industrial, and governmental organizations.

Additional information is available at

Language Dos and Don’ts

Never refer to the Company as just “Guttman”.

Always use the oxford comma when citing a series of items in a sentence.

When referring to Guttman Energy as an entity, always capitalize the first letter in Company.

Always refer to “Guttman Energy” in all written and spoken communications. Adhering to this standard, especially in digital communications, helps raise the Company’s rankings through improved search engine optimization (SEO).